As of now the information about Morbus Wegener which can be found online is little, and not very reliable. That is why it was our first goal to improve this situation. For that we teamed up with some of John´´  s doctors and created a website with reliable information about the disease Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis / Morbus Wegener,


There you will find:

  • a description of the disease and its functioning, in a manner understandable for non-professionals
  • an experience report, of a young patient who has lived with the disease for years
  • the latest advances in research
  • a network of other institutions that aim to improve the situations for those affected by GPA

Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Morbus Wegener)

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), also known as Wegener’s disease, is an autoimmune disease. The systemic disease of the vascular system leads to inflammation of blood vessels. This leads to a deficient blood supply to the affected organs. In general, any tissue can be affected. Typical organs which are affected by GPA and therefore are building granulomas (inflammations) are the lungs, kidneys, eyes, ears, nose, and the throat areas. The causes of the occurrence of this autoimmune disease are unknown so far. 

The disease belongs to the so-called ANCA-associated small vessel vasculitis and is rare: Every year 5-12 people per one million inhabitants are affected by GPA. The disease usually occurs between the ages of 40 and 50; women and men are equally affected.

Useful sources of information


John Grube Foundation e.V.

Ohnhorststraße 31

22609 Hamburg

+49 170/9656396

Über uns

Die John Grube Foundation e.V.  ist ein Förderverein, der es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Kommunikation und Information für Betroffene der Krankheit Morbus Wegener (GPA) zu verbessern.

Außerdem fördert der Verein Wissenschaft und Forschung


Er ist ein eingetragener Verein (e.V.) und somit als gemeinnützige Organisation staatlich anerkannt. 

Damit sind alle Spenden steuerlich absetzbar.


John Grube Foundation e.V.

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Hamburger Sparkasse